Cavities are one of the world’s most common health problems, and anyone who has teeth can get a cavity. Resulting into tiny openings or holes, cavities can permanently damage areas in the hard surface of your teeth. Cavities are caused by numerous issues, including teeth not being cleaned properly, bacteria in your mouth, snacking too often, and drinking beverages with too much sugar. At our
Worcester family dental office, we make sure to educate all our patients on the importance of good oral hygiene and the serious consequences of cavities.
01605 Composite Dental Fillings
When left untreated, cavities only get larger and soon affect the deeper layers of your teeth. These untreated cavities may also lead to severe toothache, infection and, eventually, tooth loss. To help prevent cavities, the experts at our Worcester family dental office can’t stress enough how important regular dental visits are. In addition to regular dental visits, keeping up proper flossing and brushing habits is crucial. Depending on the location of the tooth, and the level of decay, your symptoms will vary. Some signs to be aware of are toothache, sensitivity or sharp pain when eating sweets or something hot or cold, visible holes in your teeth, pain when biting down, or any discharge around your gums or teeth. With a new cavity, there are often no obvious symptoms, but the experts at our
Worcester family dental office will be able to see the early signs of decay and recommend the proper treatment to prevent it from getting worse.
When treatment calls for a filling, we offer several choices at our
Worcester family dental office, depending on the severity of your cavity and the cosmetic goal you wish to achieve. The most current dental fillings are made of plastic and ceramic compounds that look amazingly like your natural teeth. These compounds, also called composite resins, are used predominantly on your front teeth where you really want the look to be more natural. In some cases, these composite resins can also be used on the back teeth. At Pearla Dental, we are recognized experts in our field, and dedicated to making your smile the healthiest and brightest it can be.
Dental Fillings Worcester
490 Lincoln Street
Worcester, MA 01605
By Pearla Dental
June 24, 2014