By making you aware of the signs and symptoms of gum disease, Pearla Dental has the goal of providing you with early treatment if prevention is not possible. Gum disease progresses in stages and as it advances, the ways to correct it become more complex and invasive. Our
Worcester MassHealth dentist wants to keep you informed about gum disease to help you maintain the healthiest gums and teeth possible.
Dental Office 01605
Gum disease is caused by the results of plaque that is not removed from your teeth and from between your teeth and gums. Generally, attention to brushing and flossing removes plaque and the bacteria and food particles that feed it. However, no matter how careful you are, plaque is sneaky and stubborn. As plaque remains in your mouth, it can harden and turn into tartar. Once that happens, it cannot be removed except by a professional cleaning. Meanwhile, it is trying to cause damage to your gums. Getting a thorough dental cleaning twice per year as part of your regular exam with our
Worcester MassHealth dentist is the best way to prevent gum disease from advancing.
Some signs and symptoms that you may be dealing with gum disease are having gums that are bright red or swollen, gums that are tender when touched, receding gums, persistent bad breath, a bad taste in your mouth, bleeding gums, and loose teeth. The first stage of gum disease, known as gingivitis, may only be marked by inflamed gums. In many cases, a simple cleaning or two may be enough to eliminate the problem and get your gums back on track to their optimal healthy state. Periodontitis is the more advanced stage of gum disease and you are more likely to notice the previously mentioned severe symptoms at that point. It is essential that you call us to make an appointment with our
Worcester MassHealth dentist when any of those symptoms are present because if left unchecked, you could experience loss of gum tissue, bone, and even teeth.
Our office accepts Delta Dental, BlueCross BlueShield, United Healthcare, Guadian, Cigna, Altus Dental, MassHealth, and MetLife insurances so you can feel confident in using our
Worcester MassHealth dentist to treat your gum disease.
By Pearla Dental
January 27, 2014